From Attendance to Worship
Well, this week we are in 1 Corinthians chapter 11, which is easily one of the most contentious passages of Scripture in the entire Bible. Paul says things in this chapter that just cause tensions in the room to rise. He says things like, “Man is the head of woman.” (It’s easier to write it in a letter than it is to say from the pulpit. Can I just point that out?) He says things like, “Man was not made for woman, but woman was made for the man.”
But remember, we are on this “Journey to Deep,” and as I said at the beginning of this series, this journey is going to require a lot out of you. Some of the things we’re considering here are things we don’t always talk through; we don’t always think through. So I’m asking you not to come and to sit as an audience but to think of yourselves as students where together we are learning and studying from God’s Word.