From Earthly Focused to Heavenly Minded
We’re in the home stretch of a ten week sermon series where we’ve been walking through the book of 1 Corinthians. Next week we will conclude the series, but today we’re going turn our attention to the remainder of 1 Corinthians, chapter 15.
Today we want to cover one of the richest passages in the entire book. If you’ve lost a loved one recently or spoken with a person who has received a discouraging diagnosis, or you have some fears and worries about death, then you may find these verses to be very important. Because for the Christian this chapter has a way of putting life’s most difficult moments into perspective.
The fear of dying is one of the greatest of all fears. And the will to live is one of the strongest drives that God instilled within us. But in this passage, Paul will give a lot of ink to Christ’s resurrection because the subject was being debated quite frequently in Corinth. Paul spends the first half of this chapter reminding us that if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Jesus Christ did not raise from the dead and all this religion stuff is just a worthless exercise in futility.