Being Left Out

Being Left Out
Have you ever felt the sting of being left out? Maybe it was at a church event, in a circle of friends, or even within your workplace or family. Being excluded can cut deep, leaving us feeling unworthy, overlooked, or alone. But the Bible reminds us that even when others reject us, God never does.

Psalm 118:22 tells us about the rejected stone that ultimately became the cornerstone. This verse not only refers to Jesus but also speaks volumes about our own lives. Jesus was mocked, misunderstood, and cast aside by many—but in God’s plan, He became the foundation of our faith. If you’ve been left out, consider the truth in this verse. What man may discard, God sees as precious and essential. Your value isn’t determined by human approval but by His unwavering love.

Think of the story of David, left behind while his brothers stood before Samuel to be considered king. To others, David didn’t fit the mold of a leader, but to God, he was chosen. While those around you might not see your worth, God does. He sees your heart, your struggles, and your potential. Being left out doesn’t mean you’re insignificant; it means God might be redirecting you to something greater.

When you feel rejected, lean into the promise that God understands and uses these moments for His purpose. Instead of dwelling on the pain of exclusion, turn to prayer. Ask Him to show you the path He’s preparing for you and to remind you of your identity as His child.

In your moments of feeling left out, remember this truth: You are never on the outside of God’s love. His arms are wide open, His plans are greater, and His presence is constant.

Pastor David

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